About me

I was born in London 🇬🇧 but now live in Perth 🇦🇺, and currently I'm studying Computer Science, Finance, and Data Science at UWA. Right now, I am also working full time as a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, where I previously interned.
Me and my dog, Boris
You can find me on GitHub here and on LinkedIn here.


My main hobby is playing chess - if you are interested feel free to check out my chess.com insights or my current rating. Outside of chess I spend my time reading, listening to music, language learning, travelling (when I can), and hanging out with my dog Boris, pictured above.


Most of my projects are done to learn new skills, as I personally learn best by doing things instead of reading about them or watching videos.

This website

A pet project which originally was hosted on a linux webserver in the effort of teaching myself how to maintain a site and get comfortable with technologies such as SSL, DNS, and EC2. I've since moved it to Cloudflare Pages.

Learn more here.


A CLI application I wrote in Go. The aim was to target a pain point in my workflow, helping to semi-automate everyday tasks. Thanks to the cobra framework, it's quite robust!

Learn more here.

Other stuff


Study Details

Bachelor of Science, BSc., UWA

Previously I studied at Perth Modern School

Languages I use